Website use terms and conditions

These terms and conditions apply to your browsing and use of the Flybuys website. By viewing the pages of this website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions.

This website, any information contained on it, and these terms and conditions of use will be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, New Zealand law. The New Zealand courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes concerning matters involving this website.

Unless otherwise stated, you may access, view, copy, print or temporarily store textual material published by Loyalty New Zealand Limited (Loyalty NZ), manager of the Flybuys Programme on this website for your personal use only and, when printing or storing material, in limited quantities. Any copyright notice on that material must be retained on the copy. You may not reproduce, adapt, distribute or incorporate anything from this website in any other work (in whole or in part), including republishing it for any commercial or other purpose, without Loyalty NZ's express written consent.

The copyright in all materials (including rights in text, graphics, arrangement and overall design of this website) displayed or available on this website either belongs to Loyalty NZ or is used by Loyalty NZ with permission.

Some material on this website, including trademarks and logos, is the intellectual property of third parties. Loyalty NZ has obtained consent from these third parties for the use of their intellectual property on the site. Your rights in relation to that material are as defined by the copyright owner of the material.

While Loyalty NZ has endeavoured to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, current and complete, it does not accept liability for any error, misstatement or omission. Loyalty NZ may change the material on this website at any time without notice. In the unlikely event that an unauthorised person makes changes to this website, Loyalty NZ does not accept responsibility for those changes. Errors are subject to correction.

You are solely responsible for any actions you take in reliance on the content on this website. If you want to rely on any material on this website, you should contact Loyalty NZ first.

Some parts of this website may enable you to provide comments relating to this website or information provided on it. All comments will be regarded as public information and may be treated by Loyalty NZ as such. If any comments are made available on a public noticeboard, either on this website or any website linked to this website, Loyalty NZ does not make any representations about, nor endorses nor accepts any responsibility for, the content or views of those comments.

You may not make any comment which is defamatory, offensive or unlawful. Loyalty NZ may, at any time and for any reason, remove any comment provided by you that has been posted on a public noticeboard.

This website may contain links to third party websites. Loyalty NZ has no control over the content of such websites and does not make any representations about, nor endorses, such websites. The links are provided for convenience and informational purposes only. Loyalty NZ is not responsible for the content, validity, accuracy, or the use, of any other website. You should check the terms and conditions applicable to any other websites you use.

You may not create a link from any other website to any part of this website, without Loyalty NZ's express written consent.

For information about our use of cookies on this website, please refer to our Privacy Statement.

Your use of this website is at your own risk. Subject to any terms implied by law (including the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, where applicable) which cannot be excluded, Fly Buys shall not be responsible or liable, in contract, tort (including negligence), equity or otherwise for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damage, or for any loss of profit, income or savings, or any costs or expenses incurred or suffered by you or any other person, arising out of, or in connection with, your access to, or use of, this website or any linked websites.

All warranties, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, currency, completeness, fitness for purpose or usefulness of the information contained on this website are excluded to the extent permitted by law.

It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever information you select for your use is free of items such as viruses, worms, trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature.

The email security notice is not intended to be an exhaustive list of appropriate security measures, and Loyalty NZ accepts no liability whatsoever for its accuracy or completeness.
