
Privacy Statement

We recommend that you read the Privacy Statement below in full but here are a few key points that we would like you to know:

Commitment to privacy

  • We will only collect, use and share your personal information in accordance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 and as set out in this Privacy Statement


  • We have data security policies and practices in place aimed at reducing the risks of unauthorised access to, and loss, misuse or wrongful alteration of, your personal information

You have control

  • You can update your communication preferences via the My profile section of your account on the Flybuys website or app

We will keep you up to date

  • If we make any significant changes to this Privacy Statement then we will let you know


Loyalty New Zealand Limited, operator of the Flybuys Programme in New Zealand, respects the privacy of your personal information in our care and we adhere to the Privacy Act 2020 and the guidelines in this Privacy Statement.

We describe below:

  • the types of personal information we collect through the Flybuys Programme and how we collect it;
  • why we collect your personal information;
  • how and for what purposes we use your personal information;
  • who we share your personal information with and for what purposes;
  • how we store your personal information;
  • the data (including personal information) we collect from use of our digital services, including the Flybuys website (, social media channels and the Flybuys mobile app; and
  • procedures for you to get access to and ask for correction of your personal information, as well as providing feedback.

This Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time and any significant updates in relation to the collection, use, storage or sharing of your personal information will be communicated to you.

Each capitalised term used but not defined in this Privacy Statement has the meaning given to it in the Flybuys Membership Terms and Conditions. You accept the terms and conditions of the Flybuys Programme, including this Privacy Statement, by continuing to use your Flybuys Membership Card or Membership Number or by otherwise accepting the Flybuys Membership Terms & Conditions.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, please contact our privacy officer via

What types of personal information do we collect and how do we collect it?

The types of personal information we collect and hold include:

  • your name, contact details (such as address and telephone number), email address, date of birth and (where you choose to provide them) gender details. We collect this information through the form you complete to join the Flybuys Programme or through forms you may submit in relation to a Flybuys promotion;
  • details of your transactions with businesses that offer or have agreed to offer Flybuys (Flybuys Partners), such as the date you shopped, how much you spent, your payment method and what you have bought. We collect this information as a result of you providing your Membership Card or Membership Card Number to a Flybuys Partner when completing a Qualifying Purchase or Action;
  • Flybuys Store purchase details, such as the product you purchased and the date of your purchase;
  • records of your communications and interactions with us in relation to the Flybuys Programme, such as when you contact the Flybuys Service Centre;
  • information provided by you in response to Flybuys Viewpoints surveys or to surveys that are commissioned by Flybuys and carried out by third parties on our behalf, such as Kantar (we only do this if you have signed-up to such surveys); and
  • details of your communication preferences, such as whether you are opted in to receive promotional emails from Flybuys or our partners.

When you visit the Flybuys Website or use the Flybuys mobile app, we may collect information using technology which is not apparent to you (such as cookies). Please see the Data collected in relation to digital services section below on data collected in relation to digital services for more information about our use of this technology.

Why do we collect your personal information?

Without collecting your personal information we may not be able to provide certain benefits and services to you, such as:

  • allocating Flybuys you have earned to your account;
  • enabling you to spend Flybuys Points in the Flybuys Store;
  • enabling you to select a Reward Currency and convert Flybuys you have earned to your chosen Reward Currency;
  • keeping your Flybuys Programme membership details up to date;
  • sending you offers that are relevant and may be of interest to you;
  • contacting you to allocate a prize if you have entered and won a Flybuys competition; and
  • providing you with information about your Flybuys Programme membership or changes to the Flybuys Programme.

How and for what purposes do we use information about you?

We use your contact details, information about your shopping with Flybuys Partners and other information about you (as described above) to promote products and services provided by the Flybuys Programme, Flybuys Partners and other businesses that are relevant to you and that we think you may want.

We may use such information about you to provide marketing communications and targeted advertising to you by email, mail and/or telephone.

You can opt out of receiving these offers from us at anytime – either specific offers, offers from a particular business or from one particular communication channel (e.g. email or telephone) altogether.

There are a number of ways you can opt out.

  • if you have been emailed an offer, you can click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of that email;
  • by logging into the Flybuys Website or Flybuys mobile app, going to My Account > My Profile, selecting the Communications option and updating your preferences; or
  • by writing to the Flybuys Service Centre, PO Box 68679, Newton, Auckland (no stamp required).

We may use your contact details, information about your shopping with Flybuys Partners and other types of information about you that we hold (as described above):

  • to facilitate the delivery of products you purchased from the Flybuys Store;
  • to verify your identity (e.g., if you try to access services or information via the Flybuys Website or the Flybuys Service Centre);
  • to conduct product and market research for the Flybuys Programme, Flybuys Partners and other businesses not participating in the Flybuys Programme;
  • to carry out data analytics services to provide insights and aggregated data (i.e. data that cannot be linked to an individual) to Flybuys Partners and other organisations;
  • to maintain and update our Flybuys Programme membership records; and
  • to deal with enquiries from you.

With whom and for what purposes do we share information about you?

To operate the Flybuys Programme, we share personal information with some trusted service providers that help us operate the Flybuys Programme, including the operator of the Flybuys Service Centre, mail-houses, our email deployment company, reward suppliers and providers of data analysis, data augmentation or data washing services in connection with Flybuys Programme marketing campaigns.

We may share your personal information with a provider of Flybuys Programme related services that is located in a country other than New Zealand, where we have made a business decision to use a trusted overseas based service provider that provides data storage and/or data processing services (e.g. the service provider that hosts our Flybuys Programme email marketing platform).

We ensure that any time we share personal information with any Flybuys Programme service providers we do so securely and we take steps to ensure that all our service providers with whom we share personal information agree to protect the privacy and security of your personal information, destroy that data when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was supplied to them and use that data in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and only for the purposes for which it is disclosed.

From time to time we may share your personal information with a Flybuys Partner (or its agent) including:

  • so that it can use that information to improve products, services and customer experiences that may be offered to you;
  • if we consider on reasonable grounds that you have consented to that disclosure;
  • if we consider on reasonable grounds that that disclosure is necessary to enable the recording of Flybuys in relation to a transaction with a Flybuys Partner;
  • if you are a prize winner in a competition or promotion run by or on behalf of that Flybuys Partner and the information is disclosed for the sole purpose of enabling notification to you that you are the prize winner and/or making arrangements for receipt of the prize; or
  • if we consider on reasonable grounds that you may have been involved in fraudulent activities in relation to that Flybuys Partner.

We may also share your Membership Number with a Flybuys Partner so you can collect Flybuys to spend with and/or receive other benefits from that partner.

From time to time we may share your personal information in other circumstances where we are specifically allowed to under the Privacy Act 2020 (e.g. in cases where the Police ask us for information to assist with its investigation of an alleged criminal offence).

How do we hold information about you?

We take data security very seriously. We have data security policies and practices in place aimed at reducing the risks of unauthorised access to, and loss, misuse or wrongful alteration of, personal information held by us.

We take measures to destroy or anonymise personal information held by us if we no longer need to retain it for any lawful purpose.

We are dedicated to keeping your Flybuys Programme membership details safe and secure from scams and fraud. If you are ever in any doubt about the authenticity of any communications that are or seem to be from the Flybuys Programme please immediately email us at and include a copy of the relevant message.

Data collected in relation to digital services

We provide information and services relating to the Flybuys Programme through a range of digital and online services, including the Flybuys Website, social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, and the Flybuys mobile app.

Information is collected via your use of the Flybuys Website, through cookies. Cookies are small data files that your browser stores on your computer when you visit certain websites. The cookies on the Flybuys Website allow us to collect information which we use to help us remember the information you enter. This means that as you use the Flybuys Website we can relay any information you entered earlier back to you at a later time. It is possible to disable the acceptance of such cookies from your web browser. However, doing so may restrict your ability to use some of the pages on the Flybuys Website.

We also promote Flybuys Programme products and services using third party vendors, such as Google Remarketing, as a method of targeting our advertising based on how you interact with the Flybuys Website. Both Loyalty NZ and these vendors may use cookies to help offer you online ads that are more specifically tailored to you when you visit other websites. These cookies contain no personally identifiable information, they cannot damage files, nor can they read information from the hard drive of a computer. You do not need to accept these cookies, however, and can find more information about opting out by visiting the Google cookies opt out page.

Our systems record a variety of information in relation to your interactions with the Flybuys Website and the Flybuys mobile app. This can include information about software versions used, device types, device identifiers (like IP address), location data (where available and not disabled by the user), dates, times, file metadata, referring website, data entered, and user activity such as links clicked.

From time to time we may use your data to target you through social media channels, like Facebook. In this case, we (or one of our agents acting on our behalf) match encrypted (hashed) email addresses with encrypted Facebook data to identify a match in a secure environment. The hashed data is deleted as soon as the match is complete and is never kept or used by Facebook or our agent for any reason other than to match accounts.

Some information we collect in relation to our digital services is not related to an individual. In many cases, the information relates only to a device or is of an aggregated or statistical nature, and we will have no way of knowing the identity of the user. In other cases, we may associate information about your use of our digital services over time with your personal information, e.g. when on any occasion you have logged in, followed a link sent to you by email, or we have otherwise been able to identify you.

Our online services may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or policies of those sites and recommend that you review their privacy policies.

Procedures for access, correction, and feedback

If you wish to access or correct any information we hold about you or have any feedback or concerns about privacy, please contact us on the details set out below. If you want a reply from us, we will let you know who will be handling your matter and when you can expect a full response. In the case of access and correction requests, please provide as much detail as you can about the particular information you seek to help us retrieve it. If we decide not to make a requested correction and you disagree, you may ask us to make a note of your requested correction with the information.


Post: Flybuys Service Centre, PO Box 68679, Newton, Auckland
